Hi Ileran Jojo
 The beautiful jojo dancer choreographer.
Following your message I want to tell you the opportunist is you ok.
 You do that envious the others you are toxic jojo **** you are a farfouille, La or that has odor.
  Ileran Jojo please have the recognition for what the guys did for you.
You do not have the recognition. You're a jackal.
 ILERAN LA BELLE JOJO please create your world. Stop existing or create your existences on the backs of the people.
 Stop denigrating others. Do not forget ballet Haiti of Paris is founded thanks to Miss GAUTHIER.
Who are you Ileran Jojo?
What's your name?
 I am not from the national fort nor corridor xxx. OK.
 Ileran Jojo the beautiful jojo dancer choreographer.tu the toxicity, envious
Ileran Jojo the beautiful jojo dancer choreographer. You have The schizoid personality disorder, the antisocial and schizotypical personality disorder. Get you healed.
Me too moin pa gen anyen avèw but will treat you Ileran Jojo


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Ale anpè miss Gauthier travay la ap kontinye ou gen pitit ou ki nan 4 kwen la tè tout otan gen tanbou kap bat danse folklorik ap danse se tout otan ke w vivan pami nou mesi pou patrimwan sa ou te sakrifye tout vi w pou li a chak gren moun ki te gen chans rankontre w gen yon istwa pou yo rakonte esperyans yo ka diferan men yo rezimè a menm bagay Viviane Gauthier manman danse folklorik la merci pou tou.